Liam Kelly – TMP Associate
We have recently seen the true potential and power of earned media content marketing. The proof came from an unexpected source, which would have been overlooked a year ago: fake news.
The impact of fake news on US consumers and voters has been clearly defined. What’s interesting is that fake news sites used content marketing techniques to amplify their content. The most effective fake news sites certainly hoodwinked readers by borrowing influence from trusted news sources and fooling algorithms. But, we can learn a great deal about how consumers are ingesting messages (headlines really matter), and the use of social media to successfully amplify content.
While fake news is not the answer for an effective communication strategy, it does show the efficiency of marketing owned and earned media content. It is no longer enough for a communication professional to place a story with a news source, and hope that the target audience finds the message.
Communicators need to partner with influencers to promote earned media content to their target audience. Of course, a communicator also needs to understand whether or not their content, be it earned or owned, is being understood by their audience and so measurement is key.
The expert members of the Measurement Practice have each written their own take on the impact of 2016 events on communications and research. You can read their thoughts here.
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[…] in January, I wrote about how the success of fake news in 2016 really proved the effectiveness of content marketing. Now, […]